A frenly family is a nation's strength

69  2019-04-08 by nationalitarian


Remember frens, we must secure the existence of our frens and a future for frenly children

Little too obvious no?

Nothing wrong with explaining obvious things among frens, fren.

You’re right fren, thank you

His fren level is high but within currently approved levels.

The most precious possession you have in the world is your own frens. And for these frens, and for the sake of these frens, we will struggle and fight! And never slacken! And never tire! And never lose courage! And never despair!

So true fren, you should make a post about that so more frens can see it.

Did you know you’re going to die a virgin fren? You are going to die a virgin,

Frenliness is next to godliness.

Cute doggi fren!


You say it like if all frens were not perpetual virigns.

Speak for yourself

I speak for all frens

Well, I ain’t a wizard so ... again, speak for yourself.

Sure you are not a wizard yet. You look very underage.

Buddy I’m older than you and I’m married take a fuckin hike ya hoser

Then must be truth that millenials behave like children.

Get bopped