Heartbreak hurts frens

188  2019-04-07 by Dutch_Has_A_Plan_


Betrayal is worse

Exactly. Grl Heartbreak is not as bad as hurting your frens

Very much agree, fren. If you can learn from mistakes that may have been made then you’ll be okay. Time heals all

Lots of sad frens here, I am here if you ever need someone to talk to

Fren be glad that it happened sooner rather than later.

I here for you fren. Be brav.

It hurts right now fren, I’m not gonna lie it will probably hurt for a while longer. My dog Millie was ran over on April Fools day fren. It still hurts bad but we gotta gotta work through the pain together fren

I hope you're okay fren

It doesn't seem so in these moments, but it is better to have lovelyfrened and lost than to have never lovelyfrened at all.

Don’t worry fren, all will be good soon! Feel well fren!