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106  2019-04-07 by majtommm


There's a suspicious amount of growth going on. While we welcome Frens we also know that there are bound to be Nonfrens in the bunch.

This is a safe place for Frens only and our customs and beliefs will be respected. Lurk and find out what that means or mess around and get bopped.

I think the growth could be due to the clown meme increasing in popularity recently fren

Some, sure, but around 3000 in 3 days? I'm mighty suspicious wyit those numbers.

To fren or not to fren that is the question. I fren therefore I am

So long as you don't NonFren, therefore you would not.

This suspicion could lead to a witch hunt though and could create a great purge like non fren stalin did though

The NonFren wishes for nothing more than to purge Frenkind therefore we must bop them.

Long live frenland!

Tausendjähriges Frenworld!

faint honks

Plenty of room in the railcars for clowns.

I report all nonfrens!

Keep it up. Report NonFrens and anyone using pupper talk.

Lurk moar frens

I'm so happy to meet all these new frens

Happy to meet you too fren.

I am one of these new frens and I like it here. Thank you for welcoming me, frens!

Absolutely. Take a look around and get to know our culture.

Plenty of room in the railcars for clowns.