Today is my birthday frens

268  2019-04-07 by rodrigopk


Happy birthday fren!

Thanks fren

🎶Happy birthday to fren🎶 (sing along frens)

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear fren...

Happy birthday to you!

Thanks fren
I never know if I should sing or clap along to birthday songs
So I'll just stand here awkwardly

Happy Birthday! Have a great day fren!

Thanks fren
You have a great day too

May all the riches and happiness of heaven be with you today and all days, fren.

Thanks fren

Happy birthday, Fren! You is special :)

Thanks fren
You is special too

Happy birthday my fren, another year of frenliness!

Thank you fren, hope this year has lot of frenliness

Happy birthday fren! Today is my birthday too.

Happy birthday to you too fren!

happy birthday fren

Thanks fren

Happy birthday fren hope you have a good day

Thanks fren you too

Happy birthday fren!

Thanks fren!

Happy birfday fren!

Thanks fren!

Happ birth fren

Thanks fren

Merry birthmas fren

Thanks fren

Happy birbday fren!

Thanks fren!

Happy birthday fren!

Thanks fren!

Habby Birthday, Fren! Hope your day is full of possibilities!

Thanks fren!

What a special day fren! Hope its amazing for you. Happy Birthday fren!

Thanks fren!

we have the same birthday! happy birthday fren

Happy birthday to you too fren, hope your birthday is full of frenliness

Happy birthday special fren, we all luv you

Thanks fren I luv you too

Happy birthday fren!

Thanks fren!

I hope your birthday is incredibly frenly!

Thanks for the wishes fren

have a happy bird day fren

Thanks fren

Happy birthday fren. Glad you are my fren!

Thanks fren, glad you are my fren too

Happy birthday to you too fren!

Happy birthday to you!

Thanks fren!