Night night frens πŸ€—πŸ˜΄πŸ’€

273  2019-04-06 by ScuffedRomanReigns


Honk dreams, clownfren 😌🀑

How is this blatantly anti-semitic racist dog-whistling shithole not quarantined yet? It took 30 seconds of digging to find β€œ(((nonfren)))” and site admins are too lazy to shut this place down.


Kill yourself scum.

Love yourself, big love your frens honk honk


That's not a nice thing to say.

Schutzfren please bop the nonfren

Scum like you deserve no sympathy.

We are frenly frens minding our own business and the nonfrens attack us anyway

Take this as a lesson frens to bop the nonfren menace on sight.

Yeah just casual racism and antisemitism, you know what you're doing retard.

Go ahead and ban me, maintain your retard circle jerk echo chamber.

Don't use r word here

Frens are frenly to all newfrens

Love you too fren! :)

I love you both

I'm genuinely confused though. I'm new to frenworld, I thought it was a place for wholesome frens. Why does he say these things?

Throughout history nonfrens persecuted frens. They drove us from our Homeland in the frenpocalypse. They don't want to leave us alone to be frenly :(

Im scared of the nonfrens fren :(

Don't worry fren our frenliness will drown out their hate


You sound very angry in your profile, do you want a hug from all frens?


No need to get angry fren! This is a safespace for all frens. Except for nonfrens and you wouldn't be one of those I hope?

Thinks he's a grand crusader for morality

Calls people "retards" and encourages them to kill themselves

Hmmmmmm πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

I’ve been on this subreddit for a few minutes at it seems incredibly innocent. Link?

What did he say?

That it’s a racist shithole of a sub, and as I look more into it I definitely see what he was on about

It really isn't. Its just a badly drawn pepe and some ironic memes. If there were any real racists here then they are the outliers.

Those are non frens. They be tryin to make frens look like non frens.

Goodmorning frens

Those are non frens. They be tryin to make frens look like non frens.