April is autism awarness month frens

1325  2019-04-05 by Heishehui187


How do they harm?

because they waste it instead of weaponizing it fren

very few of their donations actually go towards helping autistic people and they tend to perpetuate the idea that autism will literally make your life unbearable and its the worst possible condition you could have

maybe not exactly harm, but certainly not helping as much as they claim to me


Autism just means individualism. Autos = self in greek.

In socialist dystopias, individualism is considered a developmental disorder, you're supposed to be a hive creature who obeys the group-mind, goy!

oh you are acting up again... you need a massive intramuscular injection of Risperidone

also. it will +1.5 to each boob

source: experience

oh no they definitely harm. They encourage therapies that are essentially aggressive dog training to remove signs of autism. They also focus not on autistic people but their parents mostly.

ah i was not aware of that, was just sharing what i knew. fuck them for that

Essentially, donations and funding go towards finding a cure for autism. To a lot of the autistic community this is an attempt to erase them. This is more controversial and complicated when you consider the wide spectrum of autism and the vast differences in functioning - compared to those with higher levels of functioning. Another issue is that since autism stems from a difference in neurological wiring, it can never truly be cured in the way a conventional illness can. There's also the theory that it's the result of something during actual development. I think this raises a lot of questions in terms of where the money is going? Don't quote me on that.

Basically, the effort to achieve in utero genetic modification or prediction to correct conditions with a genetic component. I think it's fair to say that a lot of people with disabilities would see this as a euphemism for eugenics. I know I do

4chan is filled with normans now. RIP

8chan is better IMO

155 chan is thad


Well we were just joking but we did start a conversation so nothing was bad about what we did

It's all full of nonfrens and clowns. Frenworl is the only place where I feel safe now :(

Too much tadpoles pictures, bad hombres.

We will guide and protect all frens from what lies beyond

Don't worry fren, they get what they deserve when they reach /pol/

/ck/ and /bant/ are still good

woohoo frens its our month!!


8chan for real frens