remember, 2 liters (0,5 gallon) per day frens

101  2019-04-03 by Rydwan



Reverse Osmosis only. Otherwise you are drinking estrogen from wamens pee on birth control. Seriously. There are many other chemicals that your local water facility leaves in too, but I'll just keep it to estrogen. If you don't care you are taking in estrogen then you won't care about the other shit. Also if you eat out all the time they cook with this shitty water too so you still get the chemicals.

Love a fresh glass of tap

Mmm do you perhaps know how to maje a glass of tap fren

200 oz or bust!

If you’re active at all (which you should be, get fit frens), you should be drinking way more than that.

Water is important and makes you feel good.


a real waterfrenigga knows u need more

1 gal fresh tap + 1 gal milk/day if you want to get real swol fren.

Straight tap is the best a fren can get
