I don't know where i belong frens...

71  2019-04-03 by Jubanator


You now belong to ClownWorld, fren

Everyone is in the place they are for a reason. You need to figure out for yourself what that reason is fren

Some days you may feel like a clown because of clown world but deep down you will always be a fren

The Duality of Fren

You belong in clown camp with fellow clowns and half-clowns. It'll be great; swimming pools, a movie theater, a zoo, showers with wooden doors for privacy. The best.

Wow fren sounds like some fun! The only thing it needs is a rollercoaster

There isn't one of those. But I hear there's a masturbation machine.

The train to clown world will be by for you shortly, lots of riom in the railcars for you and your red noses friends.

1 honk rule!