Today was rough frens

171  2019-04-01 by nopeewee


Something to take the edge off... one day at a time fren.

Green all on my skin yeah this is war paint
I ain’t even slept in like four days

Keep up the hustle fren there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow

Very handsome fren

What happened fren?

got pranked by a clown

Was it all the April Fools clowns?

You got through it fren, relax and enjoy your evening fren! This sips is for you, cheers

It was rough for me too friend. Unfortunately I keep making it worse at every step, everything I do is the wrong thing. But eventually things will get better. They always do friend. Try not to let the negative emotions you're feeling right now control your life.

i need dese to get by

Everyday is rough fren. May you find rest tonight fren.

You think this is bad fren? Check out the clowns on r/cocaine


How the frug are meme subs banned but these nonfrens are here honking all day

o no fren don't do it, smoke will make your life rougher.

Listen to your frens, fren.

got pranked by a clown