I know I shit post here. I was april fools posting earlier. please dont smoke. I'm waiting to get on oxygen. I have COPD. I literally can't walk down the street anymore, I pass out. Smoking is and drinking is super cool! If I stand up for ten minutes I fall over, but I'm still smoking!

1  2019-04-01 by Thatguitarduderagain


I have a struggle to get to work every morning, I have to plan 3 hours to get to work on time. Work doesn't care. but I sit at a desk. I have to be really careful at lunch so I don't get too light headed. Smoking is really cool. you can be cool like me! I inhale okay, then I exhale 3 times in a row and my lungs weeze. Nothing is cooler than smoking

the best part is it's so non addictive that I'm still smoking every day. My lungs are totally destroyed and I'm just smoking because I'm super cool and not because I'm addictied

Also after I posted all that I totally didn't smoke another cigerette because I'm a hopeless addict. My alarm clock is set for 6:30 so I can get to work by 9:45 which is my starting time. I need to catch the elevator at the train station, because I can barely breath. my nights I spend on my couch thinking of all kinds of rad things I wish I could do, but if I stand up i start to turn red and struggle to breath. once a week I do a big grocery load becuase I have to. as soon as I get home I just let go of the bags and sit on the floor trying to breath for 20 minutes. Smoking is really cool and makes you look so bad ass.