I've been investigating frens. We need to stop building the fren wall around frenworld. All those interesting frens that can come to frenworld, cook interesting foods and date our lonely daughters. Stop being unfrenly! you can't prevent the future frens.

11  2019-04-01 by Thatguitarduderagain


I think your nose is growing too big fren

fren on this super day of diversity we can all have big noses :) they help us smell

“Fellow big noses, we need to cool it with the anti fren narrative”

Lol, I’m not long nose, I’m white.

frist of all how dare you! clowns would never hurt frens

👃🏻 💥

How fucking harmful! I wouldn't expect this in a frenly sub! do you not understand that literally 8 million clowns died defending your right to be free?

6 gorgillion noses were bobbed, never forget.

why are you antisemetic? 600 gorgillion were bopped in one night. it is horrific. its not even funny to joke about it.

Fren I’m not joking, I’m 100% cereal.

fren today is a fool day but you need to contain power levels. you're opening us up to the big bop!

Hmmmmm... 🤔

really gets you thinking about how in current year we need to be better.

I agree, diversity to frenworld!

i dream that one day my wife's son and your wife's son will be super diverse and genderqueer and able to play together