Why cant we all be nice to each other? I really only want a kind nice place for my kids and others but I feel like everyone wants to be the victims but can never admit thier the problem and try to fix it and try to be better, I’m honestly the same and I feel bad about it

12  2019-03-31 by FellowYouth


This, like all problems, can be solved by the total eradication off all nonfrens.

Because of this wacky thing called scarcity. Fight for yourself, your family, your tribe, and nothing else. If what you’re doing doesn’t further those interests you’re honking yourself. There isn’t enough anything for everyone.

Because the world lacks resources for everyone. All the non frens are having more and more non frens kids which take up more resources and we convinced our selfs to not reproduce and encourage non reproductive behavior. Eventually due non fren migration and low fren reproduction our countries will die and we will be forced to live off the charity of non frens. This might be welfare or fren concentration camps depending on how bad fren racism gets.