Only OldFrens will remember

136  2019-03-31 by MyMEMESgotBANNED


Those were the good times fren! Hope you enjoy ur blast from the past!

I remember the car ride there praying the game I wanted wasn't all checked out. The best of times fren

Indeed it seems to be a distant memory now fren....(u_u)

I am not an old fren, but when I was a little fren me and my cousin would go and get games to play all the time It was my favorite thing :)

Cousins make really good frens. Sometimes that's all you got when you are a little fren.

crystal pepsi was not so good tho

That's true. But it was cool!

ha yeah at the time it was awesome

Surge is where it was at.

jolt tho

If we're going full boomer, I miss Orbitz...not the gum but the 90s lava-lamp looking drink.

oh damn i don't know that one

crystal bepis

Yes, fren. It's fizzy!

Went every week to get a movie and milk dudes fren. They look like poop but taste yummy.

Remember to rewin, fren.

I member fren

Be careful fren, don't go behind the curtain in the back of the store. I accidentally did once and it was not frenly

Crystal Pepsi is back in stores fren

When I was a little fren my dad would take me every weekend and we would pick out movies to watch! I miss that so much

That's a dang good memory, fren.

I miss independant shops more. I still remember when my dad didn't believe they would rent videos for so cheap the first time a video shop appeared. he had to put a deposit of $100 for a VCR and show them his social security card (he was super paranoid about that kind of stuff) to rent a unit. That night we watched young frankenstein and dirty harry. He bought a VHS player the next week. One thing I remember a lot about my dad is he always had a thousand dollars in his wallet and would tell me anytime someone wanted to fight him he would say "I've been working since I was 14 and have had a thousand dollar bill in my wallet since 1972, if you think you can take it from me let's go outside" He grew up in detroit. I'm pretty sure he still has that thousand dollar bill in his pocket.

he also freaked out when nintendo games could be rented. I still remember playing goonies 2, zelda and metroid with him. mapping them out and beating them with him.

You are the only fren I've seen online mention Goonies 2. Great game.

I remember renting vhs tapes from blockbuster

i remember fren