Welcome to Clown World, frens

130  2019-03-30 by ScuffedRomanReigns


I don't find the 'reproduce' sign to be all that credible in clownworld. If anything that sign would be in Spanish or Urdu or something.

yeah clown world keeps telling me to not have kids. and now I'm scared to have kids because they'll be growing up in clown world.

The clowns want you to be afraid. To revolt against clown world we need to get away from the circuses (cities) and have kids who know what the clowns are up to.

but I have to spend the majority of my time away from my family working at a clown job. My wife would have to as well. My kids will be more interested in learning what clowns tell them than what is true. it's a hard life for all of us.

The Vargpill is very alluring for those reasons. But I agree that it is a struggle regardless of the path you choose.

As others have stated, that's entirely by their design. Don't play their game. I've got 4 kids and I'd be lying if I said I was not worried about the sort of world they'd inherit. But I know my kids are going to be more aware of the sort of world they're inheriting than normies and cucks children will be. They are genetic dead ends, whereas ours will represent the continuance of this ancient race. You're got a debt to your ancestors and a duty to your descendants.


we live in a clownciety

The Vargpill is very alluring for those reasons. But I agree that it is a struggle regardless of the path you choose.