just started learning to solder. Going to be an electrical engineer. My eyes hurt but my hope for making enough money to raise a family is high :)

229  2019-03-29 by MinorityMangler1488


Good luck fren

Hope you do good fren! :)

Been snorting dat stuff for over 10 years now fren. I suspect is why I'm nu smart as before.

And that frens, is why you should invest in proper ventilation.

You got this, fren!

member to watch out for hot slag fren.

Mum says Aunt Jean is hot slag, but when I try to solder her leg she get mad?

leg so hot
hot hot leg
leg so hot u can solder an egg

best comment of all time

Thanks for the laugh, fren

Fren, at least use fan fren. Lungs are your fren too.

I’m looking for jobs right now fren. Tons of maintenance/tech jobs for those that can fix machines fren. Good $$$.

Don't breathe that

pls wear eye googles fren

good luck fren, but my fren L. Rossman on youtube would highly suggest a fume extractor or a fan to get the red-eye away. He doesn't like apples that much though so don't be a teacher's pet


I really wanna learn this stuff fren! I soldered a cable that was a SCART plug to compnent (ypbpr) because the audio was input not output. It felt amazing. I have no rael skills though and am scared, how do I start fren?

My fren! Look up learntosolderkit.com and ElenCo learning kits. I don’t know the first thing about circuit design yet but I’m gonna be a big time hacker one day.

Thank you fren! I really really wanna get into this.

Fren, as another engineer, I suggest using solderless breadboard and components. Learn to code, physics, and math. Make lots of monies.

thanks /u/ChocolateMemeCow

Fren, as another engineer, I suggest using solderless breadboard and components. Learn to code, physics, and math. Make lots of monies.

Yes my fren. Just wanted to put a few kits together so I’d know basic stuff like “what’s the polarity of a resistor” haha. I’m planning on getting an arduino kit to automate some stuff in my dorm room. Also learning to code, know how to math and physics.

wear goggles when you solder fren

Get a small desk fan

Don't be stupid fren, here's what you 'll do: get a fan, (I used an old one from my pc), and attach a carbon filter (you can buy them in sheets really cheap) and combine them, then it sucks the fumes and congrats no cancer

My fren! Look up learntosolderkit.com and ElenCo learning kits. I don’t know the first thing about circuit design yet but I’m gonna be a big time hacker one day.