Me getting redy to go out in the morning

855  2019-03-27 by Chainsawninja


il paggliacci

Always keep a brave HONK on fren.

Very deep. I made a mistake and further revealed my power level the past weekend at a family gathering. It's never a good idea. Hate to resort to this, but I will have to wear the clown mask everyday. I hope you frens can understand.

Sorry to here that fren. I revealed my power level this summer to my family and while some are still reluctant on a couple "questions" nearly all the males I'm close to agree.

Shoutout to my boomer uncle and friends who's hatred of Hollywood and love of scotch showed just how close family thinks sometimes.

It is hell for me. I am surrounded by liberal profligate, and I have slowly revealed my power level over the last 3 years. Since I am socially inept, I thought it was genuine conversation, but they were actually probing me to gain ammunition.

Nowadays I get baited with questions regarding 1939-1945, the exact figures, why would (((they))) lie, what party I support, etc. Every decision I made is used to mock my beliefs, for example I quit drinking, so of course I'm a religious fanatic preparing for war.

Even though I keep quiet nowadays, I still get cornered and interrogated about my religion and politics. And because I'm waiting for a trad wife and refrain from meaningless sex with roasties, I'm of course a represed homo.

There is no escape. Sorry for blog post fren, only you guys can understand my pain.

That sucks fren, but I believe in you, you shall show them how wrong they were.

Love seeing the blogposts fren. I always put people on the defense in those kinds of situations if I can. Having your back against the wall isn't fun. But I'm lucky most of my friends and family tolerate open debate even if some fundamentally disagree with certain points.

That's awesome that you're abstaining from liquor and hedonistic sex. I know the progressives love to belittle people and say adversion to homosexuality must mean you are one. I'm sorry they take joy in outting you but know your not alone.

The best thing I've found when talking to anyone that hates everything we stand for is to tell them our positions from a place of love and a smile on your face. Nothing and I mean nothing bothers these people more then a man who so firmly stands for his beliefs that he smiles and shrugs with a glimmer of pitty in his eyes when attacked for his beliefs.

Never talk about WW2 in real life. Race realism and JQ are OK around the right company, but never go full 6 gorillian.

Hitler is the most evil person ever in most people’s eyes

Lol at believing a trad woman is real. Just go Ted Kaczynski and be done w/ it

And because I'm waiting for a trad wife and refrain from meaningless sex with roasties, I'm of course a represed homo.

Embrace the honk, accuse them of homophobia.

The general thought in today's society is: lel your future wife won't save herself, why don't you just enjoy yourself now anyway

This is the "enjoy the decline" attitude and it speaks more about society than us. I was also accused of being mysogynist and all those fancy buzzwords when I said I would marry a virgin or not at all. Total clown world. Men lapping up used up whores while encouraging these lifestyles.

Your attitude is even more black pilled than the other. Essentially, you are saying that if you can't find your unicorn, you will give up.

You need to read Ride the tiger by Evola, fren. In times of turmoil such as these, you must ride the tiger. It is the duty to your village to stick with them and guide them in the right direction rather than abandoning them. There will be many that you cannot save, and that's ok, but to abandon your village completely because it doesn't fit your exact needs means to give up on everything.

What exactly becomes the point of life after that? Do you just live the woods alone like Uncle Ted?

Thanks fren. I have read ride the tiger but this seems like a good opportunity for a re read I have been getting blackpilled lately and keep wanting to move innawoods like Uncle Ted. I need to be strong.

Sometimes the best medicine for the black pill is just to ignore the outside world and focus on yourself. Once you've done that enough, you can look back in a few months/years to reevaluate your life.

First you clean your room.

My fiancee is also redpilled and she revealed our power level to my parents a few weeks ago. I can't remember the exact context but she said "the only things Jacob hates are pitbulls and Jews" and my mom said "why do you hate the Jews?" Knowing my boomer parents and their support of our greatest ally I just said, "I just think it was wrong of them to have crucified Jesus". That seemed to satisfy them.

Your fiancee sounds like a keeper fren.

Me too fren

Can somebody hook me up with the image without the mask

Here you go fren.

Thank fren.


Looks like the tiger rode you, fren.

Fren who is scary dry crab behind you....WATCH OUT FREN

It is hell for me. I am surrounded by liberal profligate, and I have slowly revealed my power level over the last 3 years. Since I am socially inept, I thought it was genuine conversation, but they were actually probing me to gain ammunition.

Nowadays I get baited with questions regarding 1939-1945, the exact figures, why would (((they))) lie, what party I support, etc. Every decision I made is used to mock my beliefs, for example I quit drinking, so of course I'm a religious fanatic preparing for war.

Even though I keep quiet nowadays, I still get cornered and interrogated about my religion and politics. And because I'm waiting for a trad wife and refrain from meaningless sex with roasties, I'm of course a represed homo.

There is no escape. Sorry for blog post fren, only you guys can understand my pain.

My fiancee is also redpilled and she revealed our power level to my parents a few weeks ago. I can't remember the exact context but she said "the only things Jacob hates are pitbulls and Jews" and my mom said "why do you hate the Jews?" Knowing my boomer parents and their support of our greatest ally I just said, "I just think it was wrong of them to have crucified Jesus". That seemed to satisfy them.