Even if Article 13 somehow separates our big family we will still be frens forever. Just don't forget about each other. From Russia with love my dear EU frens

281  2019-03-26 by Polish_Pigeon


I will miss all our overseas frens

Frenly frens!

Don't worry fren, article 13 excludes memes.

They don't even know what maymays are ;(

Doge memes are protected fren :)

The nonfrens in the government will never separate us

Hello Russia fren. At least 2 of us can remain frens because of our based leaders.

Huh Huh huh .. sorry for being european. you should of thought about that before you like .. sucked and stuff

Wojak is a good fren.

arent you all just evil robots tho

Nah we all are just a bunch of communists