F for our kiwi frens for being bopped of the internet.

727  2019-03-26 by CIA_watches_me_pee


I hope our wholesome kiwi frendos are doing alright

They bopped a lot of sandfrens, so probably.


Those r no frens of mine, fren ;)

Ye, but we must hide our fren level.

We will survive fren . She'll be right one day fren, maybe day come soon maybe day come later

Bopped out of their guns, their free speech, and even 10-14 years prison for them for just downloading a book, very sad day in New Frenland

Hey fren can you tell me what happened to our frens in New Frenland

Time to bop back some more, fren.

Well you see fren, New Frenlanders don't have a constitutional right to bear arms and as seen in Australia, gun control works. On the topic of free speech, sites with absolutely no moderation are obviously going to become a platform for antisemitism and extremists. Reading that book does no good for anyone and would only spread these ideologies fren.

Is that kiwi a cannibal, hmm?

Subscribe to Pewdiepie.

Remove nonfren

What's wrong with Pewdiepie?

Nothing, but when someone says 'subscribe to pewdiepie' you always follow up with remove nonfren. It says so in the holy pdf

Ohhhhhhhhhh. I see. Okay thanks.

Pinning own comment. Not fren worthy

And yet another Ice Poseidon nonfren makes himself known to me for bopping.

Thank you, nonfren. You make my job so much easier.

Ice is a non fren


Thanks for the banter and shitposts, come join us when you bop your commie gubmint. So long frens.

We aren't commies fren, Ameri-frens think everyone is a commie who isn't a MAGA-fren. Sad.

don't make me B O P you


What's wrong with your wee wee fren and why is a bird pecking at it

The joos snipped his frenskin off

Oh dear

It’s his pecker

Don't let your fruit fly away fren


Glad I’m not a kiwi fren or else I couldn’t read my favorite book!

his boots are also looking like kiwi

This is literally the best sub reddit ever...in the world....not even thanos can snap this out of existence.....it is too strong of a force.......one cannot beat the frens

Laughs in VPN