Today I quit smoking and pron, wish me luck frens

132  2019-03-26 by twothousand540



e-cigs much easier to quit than regular cigs

Yay for you fren!

Always remember that your frens support you

Nice one if you have the willpower to do both at the same time, but just saying, it might be too stressful


Be sure to get a new habit to replace them fren! šŸ‘

gl fren

Iā€™m positive you can stay on this track fren!

Good for you fren! Wanna come lift with me and my gymfrens?

Yes! I need to start on the swol train again

Good luck! We got you fren!

Good luck fren.

I'm trying to quit clown juice.

yes fren pron is not good for your mind or soul

Give it time fren.

Very good, fren!