Current state of my workplace, feelsbadman

79  2019-03-26 by Wilmodt_Payne


Epic Boomer fren

Nibba if there's one thing the boomers did right it's classic rock.

Rock on, fren.

I know, boss man is switching to cuntry, males me mad

Modern country? outlaw country is pretty good

Sum cuntry iz gud, other times it suks.

sed hey momma said the wey u mooove gonna make u sweaat gonna make u groooove 💦

baddda da da da doooo diddy da da da do dada do dada do daaaaaa

anyone else remember when radio stations used to play two zepp songs in a row and declare they were "letting the lead out!". *sips* those were the days.

Right up there with "Mandatory Metallica".

what kinda country we talking about, pardner?

I reckon it ain't Willie and Waylon and Kris

Me like but my friends laugh and call me a faggot :(

Well have you tried not being a fagot? haha, but seriously fren, best wishes and keep on trucking

The tractors, chicken, and misogyny kind

mee too fren wanna bop em?

i mean thats good music fren sry

Twang twang

♪♫♬My pick up truck ran over my dog

♬♪♫♬ my wife left me and now it's ♪♬♫♬♫♬♫♪ MICROWAVE CHICKEN DINNER ♪♫♬♪♫♬♪♫♬ MICROWAVE CHICKEN DINNER ♪♫♬♪♫♬♪♫♬ Chicken Dinner On a Friday Night ♪♫♬♪♫♬♪♫♬ Chicken Dinner That Feels Just Right ♪♫♬♪♫♬♪♫♬ GOD BLESS AMERICA, THANK YOU!

That was beautiful fren

it's no "you never even call me by name" but i'll give you 7/10