FRENLY reminder

805  2019-03-25 by MyMEMESgotBANNED


Thanks Fren. I was hosting a call and this helped calm my nerves.

Happy to help, fren

Thanks for the reminder, fren

That's what frens are for.

Yoga is helthy frens.

Open your mouth, tilt your head back, let fren put his penner in your throat. This is a reminder to stop being such a cocktease fren!

Thanks fren. I dropped my shoulders and my knee was shaking as well. Took a minute to relax. Very much so needed

Remember to stretch frens, treat you body gud.

Thank fren

This made me poop. Thanks a lot.

ur a poopy pants :)

also relax your butt frens

unclench your buttholes, frens

Thx for reminding me, fren.

Now push

Thanks frens i was feeling backed up on the throne

What if an non fren ant slips in?

That’s a good point, fren.

Fren helped a lot.

What is the magnifying glass for fren

whats the magnifying glass for fren?

Innerstanding, fren

Thank you fren! Naturally I am usually very tensed, do it was nice to take a deep breath and just relax!

Thanks, Zen Fren.

Zen Fren


This is really good fren

Tried to soften my nephews forehead. Was already pretty soft since he's a baby. Now he is dinted. Help fren.

Thanks, i needed that fren

Tanks free


Thank you very much fren

How tf do you soften your forehead?

Thank you fren very mooch

thank fren

My chinese fren gives me the best massages. He always says im super tense