i made this for my boyfren and i hope he likes it 😔😔

822  2019-03-22 by hua3000


Cross stitch is very frenly

thank u fren <3

you're welcome gril. do you make cupcakes too?

Only a non-fren wouldn't like it

he‘s a good fren

tfw no qt gf that makes you cute pepe art

dont be a sad fren 😔😔


Probably cuz you don’t know the difference between Apu and Pepe fren. Educate yourself and the girls will line up. Good luck fren.

this is a pepe tho

haha no im not depressed you're depressed

Your bf is one lucky fren

thank u fren <3

Make more frens. Show frens or GTFO <3

ok fren 'minoritymangler1488'

Unironically not going to advocate violence or anything here. I just thought it was a funny username fren. Know I can’t prove it to ya but I’m just here to be frenly. I posted back on cobblestone chuck and Multiple Ruble Exceptional, under different accounts though.

lol ik it's just a funny username

Username checks out

Get out nonfren

Am not nonfren >:(

Don't harass frens or you'll get the big bop.

Mod gay

Disguise your frenlevel.

yes sir

He's lucky to have you fren!


good art fren

His lucky to have fren girl like you.

thank u so sweet my fren 😭😭

He will be one happy fren

thank u fren ❤️


(i like it a lot fren :)

thank u fren and i hope i am allowd /((

Ur always allowed fren :)

I hope he your best fren.

he‘s my very best fren

Aw that's adorable

any patterns or pixelart (that can be used as pattern) that look more like apu that pepe ?

I wish my wifefren would do some cross stitching or whatever it's called. Should I beat her til she lerns, fren?

oh no, ask her nicely fren

That's a good idea fren. Thanks.

i hate wofrens and frenorities

bad fren. BAD!

based and frenpilled

these words aren’t you fren we’re here for you let it all out fren


love her until she do fren

I do and I will ;)

it's a fine balance between beating them too much or not enough.

A beautiful piece of art friend

thenk u ily

Very wholesome. Your boyfren has found himself quite the catch.

thanks fren i love hinvm a lot

I’m eagerly awaiting an announcement of little mini frens on the way.

in a few years fren

You've melted my heart, fren


I love it a lot, thanks grilfren ❤️

i love u 2 u r my best fren 😭😭

I’m eagerly awaiting an announcement of little mini frens on the way.


nice, and even nicer if you get more grils to use the same theme. also, fight feminism with every fiber of your being.

dont fight feminism wtf fren😔

whoa thot-police, slow down.

fren-world is not about marxist oppression narratives. being a gril does not mean you are oppressed. take that non-fren stuff over to clown-world.


no u

your boyfren will luv it fren and we all luv you and him too you’re very lucky to have relation fren cherish it

we love u 2 fren u r so sweet😭

i wish i had some frens.

u do!!!!! us ❤️

thx fren :)

What a great girlfren

thenk u fren i do my best

whoa, I wish I were ur boyfren

u gonna find a girl even better fren<3

Woah may I be ur girlfren, fren?!

I see a lot of lonely frens in this thread. Get off the computer and go find a girlfren instead of lamenting not having a girlfren. Just this oldfrens advice. I want all frens to succeed.

I love it fren

Such a great girlfren




Heckin good fren u r

Very Nice fren

Your boyfriend is a truely lucky man

Veeeery fren my fen <3

V good fren

he‘s my very best fren

thank u fren and i hope i am allowd /((

Aw that's adorable

yes sir