Grugfren not understand why nonfren tribe hate us so much. Nonfrens beg to come into fren cave, we let them in and we give them rocks. Then nonfrens demand more of our rocks and call us unfrenly if we not give. This grugfren start to think nonfren tribe should go back to own cave.

136  2019-03-21 by Alt_Saxon


for nonfren that hate moving vans they sure moving vaned fastly here

grugfren is right

grug tribe must remove smug tribe nonfrens

honk honk

nonfren family stay in grug cave, demand that grug put grugwife in leopard skin to cover face. also grug not able to eat oink meat. nonfren son and father try to take grug's daughter to "celebration" in bushes near big fire celebration to all take turns. Grug mad. Grug not like the way they try to change grug's society. Grug meets with cave elders. elders explain that Grug has wrong brain, Grug need to stop having small Grugs and let the new frens tell Grug what is right and wrong. Grug still doesn't feel right about this but afraid cave tribe will kick Grug out.

Grug went to campfire show tonight. tribe elders put on shadow puppet show that showed that if Grug doesn't like changes that means Grug is wrong. Grug doesn't want stop watching shadow puppet shows after hard work day. Grug doesn't want be on wrong side history. Grug need to change and accept how all tribe should accept sand tribe and make daughters understand green tribe are bad and sand and bannanna tribe are best.

"wrong side of *prehistory"

But I know that grug feel, fren.

work says grug need to support grug + grug marriage. Grug dont even know why this has anything to do with work. grugs that act like lady grugs are very loud and always want attention. Grug misses just being able to do job without telling not lady but want to be lady grugs that they .. strong ?

really though. i dont care what the fuck you do with your dick but can you just shut the fuck up about it?

This grug was told that other grug who cut of his own sausage is now lady grug and if this grug do not play along, this grug will be called bigot and banished from tribe. Some grugs even lose their gruglings for not let grugling son cut off own sausage

metal nail in the stone age? you must be venerated as a god, fren. you must get all the ooggabooga womens

this grugfren think you make too many thinks about meme

me can't help it fren I have racing thoughts all the time fren cos anxiety non fren. i can't stop pls help fren

Find something to calm your nerves. For me it's shooting. I go out to my land in the country, set up distant targets, regulate my breathing and shoot cans. I'm very relaxed and clear headed by the time I'm ready to head home. Maybe that will work for you, or maybe you should smash TVs with a baseball bat, or run a mile.

gotta keep myself busy. keep the bad thoughts at bay. also no guns cos brit fren. got an assault spoon tho

I hope you gawt a loicense for that spoon, bruv.

This grug was told that other grug who cut of his own sausage is now lady grug and if this grug do not play along, this grug will be called bigot and banished from tribe. Some grugs even lose their gruglings for not let grugling son cut off own sausage

me can't help it fren I have racing thoughts all the time fren cos anxiety non fren. i can't stop pls help fren