14,000 frens! Welcome new frens! Sorry your home was taken away by the non frens. We like throwing rocks here too, but please be frenly!

548  2019-03-21 by shacklefordcommarus


frenly frens only, pls

frenwrld for frends

It's just a prenk guys don worry

Frens deserve a homeworld that the clowns can't take away from us

rip: r/aytone r/milliondollarextreme r/subofpeace r/chadright r/billionshekelsupreme this sub soon probably

hello frens, we welcome all non-honkers

I miss chadright the most. :(


I love you frens.

Honk honk frens

Stonetoss did nothing wrong frens


Big F fren

I miss chadright the most. :(