I had a dweem where I was doing good in life and had a gurlfren and was loved and then I wokeded up, frens. Why does my brain do this to me?

9  2019-03-20 by TheDragonCourier


Sorry fren

Because you gonna find it one day fren!

Fanks fren

I'm older fren. Gen X fren. It get better! Never any easier just better fren. Feel free to message me if you get lonely fren. I talk with you.

It’s over Fren.

Sorry about your situation but you're breaking the shit out of rule 4.

no im not fren i have a wisp. dont make fun

Zoomo talk gets you bopped.

You're veering awfully close to doggo speak fren. I've bopped for less.

fren no pwease i have a wisp dont hurt me i cant controw it

That's two strikes. Think carefully about your next comment.

I love you Alt_Saxon, and for that reason, I shall sacrifice this post. God forgive me.

Love you too, no homo.

no im not fren i have a wisp. dont make fun