Hey Frens! I met a pretty girl today! She has blue eyes and red hair! I need some advice frens :)

116  2019-03-19 by ollieWHO125


If she has red hair, is she still a master fren? I want a secondary opinion before I comit to making many little frens with her!

Blue eyes and red hair is very rare fren, you are a lucky fren. I think you should have many frenlings with her.

Thank you fren! I will proceed!

Fren be careful, I married a fren with redhair and blue eyes, and we made many pretty frenlings together. Some with even green eyes!


Now non-frens want to invade and destroy my frenlings gene pool... Hey you're not trying to invade a similar gene pool are you? Because that isn't very frenly.

No making little frens. There are already too many in this world to support. Adopt orphan frens

Wrong fren. We need more lil frens to make sure our frenland is only inhabited by us frens and not long nose frens

Non frens*

Fixed it for you frens! They only want you to think they are your frens :)

White is white as far as i can tell, 14 fren

Red hair is part of the master race, fren :)

Breed fren breed

Honk on those tiddies.

and get them NOOT NOOTes

My fren, i suggest you check if she's a clown in disguise - to do that you just need to say "honk" and if she pulls out a red nose/ a clown trick or morphs into a clown, she's a clown and not a girlfren

Be a gentlemen and wait until the third date to whip it out.

My girlfren has red hair, blue eyes and a big butt. Go for it fren, you won’t be sorry. Gingers are honking HOT

your girlfren is wut the kids call steatopygicc

Make sure she doesn’t have a feminine penis first

my advice only works if she has brown hair. sorry fren.

Get to know her fren, take her out to get koffee or go for walk in the park and talk.

dont forget to smell good fren

Make small frens together! Wedding bells!

Check for Benis first, past that you're all good. Breed that ginger fren.

Tell her she's pretty fren.