Frens I tried to make macky cheese but it taste yucky, am so hungry frens

159  2019-03-17 by Math_3


boil the noodles longer and ad shredded cheese, fren

From da bag

  1. Get the mf'n bag
  2. Secure the bag
  3. Empty bag into mac 'n cheese

I can help you fix it fren, just need some milkies and butter, maybe some cheese. You'll have a full tummy in no time!

just put cheese on the pasta

I like my macky made with Tootin Tulsi's Mommy Milky. So yummy!!

Artisinal 1/4th Polynesian milkies

Mmmmhmmmmm. Gud stuff. Way better than khazar milkies. That stuff gibs me a headache unless I start working towards the subversion and destruction of all fren kind.

I'm told it's an acquired taste and I jus have to keep drinking, but I dont want to!!

It’s okay fren, just order a pizza for tonight

Pizza is the best for emergency

What if pizza delivery is clown fren?

close the door, get on the floor, call 911 dinosaur

if you live near a papa ginos you can get a free small cheese pizza any time, fren

they always have a 4 digit promo code for free pizza

Fren just eat the flesh of your enemies and drink their blood for refreshments