RIP WatchPeopleDie, now us frens have nowhere to go to satiate out lust for nonfren blood.

58  2019-03-15 by CIA_watches_me_pee


Som fren pls link so I can watch blood fest

No links. Solicit PMs, that's your business but none of that stuff gets posted here.

Thanks mod fren! Keepin it real

I didn’t expect them to post it in the comments lmao

I might be in the minority, but since the internet first took off I've always hated videos of ppl dying or gore videos. One thing I still don't understand is edgy lesbians who are super social justice who love that shit but will want to ruin someone for saying a racial slur. As if serial killers are awesome but a guy who grew up in the 60s and says he "n rigged" a project he was working on deserve to die. I am not a fan of seeing people die.

To each his own fren, but to some of use these videos are very curious and intruiging. We live our sheltered lives and are maybe confronted by a stray nosebleed on is a while. These videos give perspective.

well said fren i agree

I second this agreement frens

I agree with you. I only presented my view. but all of us have different brains. If you get something from watching those videos, then I don't want to take that away from you. if we lived a hundred years ago we would have seen these type of things commonly. I just don't think removing it from this platform is supression of free speech. I could be wrong, and I'm very open to that. I wish you all the best fren.


Looks like you're just gonna have to act on the voices, fren :)

Fren, take a walk outside, and look at nature.

Maybe you will see some beetles fighting.

go to church fren