I have finaly gathered the courage to send a message to my crush, she texted me back, things are looking good frens

74  2019-03-15 by Shadows1455



good 4 u, fren

Yay! Happy for u fren.

Good going fren. Sus things out, but don't leave it too long before you ask for a date.

go get her tigger

Have ur lay de fren make help U make us more frens

You kids are lucky to have text messages and apps to gently woo your crush. Back in my day you had to just whip out your benis.

You have a chance. You chose to wear shoes.

kongrats fren, keep us posted

Yay! Good for you, fren. I am very proud of and happy for you. I hope you can achieve what I never could, fren. Maybe I can too some day.

You gotta prepare yourself mentaly, just think "fuck it let's do it, I have nothing to lose"

Thank you fren. Best of luck to you, too. :)

Procreate fren this world needs more frens

White frens

Shh fren

They’ll 👂 u!!!

Best of luck fren