I got surgery to improve my looks frens. What you think?

99  2019-03-15 by Invisible_Saxon


You look better than a clown, thats for sure fren!

whoa handsome 😍😍😍

seconded 😎

It's a good start, but if you'll look at these renderings, I have some notes for you that you may in fact like.

what did the bogdanoffs do to you my boy

Looksmaxxing is not the path, fren.

Accept yourself. Treat your body with respect and care.

Live your best life and create a future your children will be proud of.

How aboot I do all of that +botox lips?

Incredible ! fren I wouldn't believe you're a day over 20. The only thing in life that is important is mutilating your body for self esteem so that you never have to acknowledge your own mortality, i think we can all agree on that. good job fren!

You do the of look like you are into the do meth

Very hansme fren!

You look like Christopher Walken (aka *very* handsome).