I need fren help. I don't wanna say problem.

6  2019-03-15 by Thatguitarduderagain


No clown juice or cigs. my brain is going crazy thinking of so many things. I'm really tempted to do something very bad involving paying loose clown girls that I used to do because My stupid brain knows it will make it calm down. It's only because I don't wanna deal with my thoughts. I know that. But please tell me I'm doing right thing. God damnit .. my heart is okay so I'm not worried I'll have a seizure or a heart attack but all of my brain is trying to make me do very bad things. I wanna get through this and get better. All my brain wants is to get a 5th of bourbon, two packs of smokes and a clown girl that will do anything for $300

Fren stop this, go to sleep. It’s late. You need sleep to make good decision.

I orderd chinese ... I have the shakes real bad now fren. my teeth keep .. its like lock jaw. I know it gets better. I got really bad booze quits. I was joking earlier but its really bad now.

my heart still feels okay so i dont think ill get a heart attack. but i keep doing things like going to pee, then doing this weird shaking and then realize I'm doing it. and I've been doing it for like 5 minutes. God damnit why did I ever start doing this to myself to begin with. I'm gonna fucking quit this and im never fucking going to do it again.

Just drink water man, eat your food, occupy your mind. Do you go to AA meetings? As cliche and tacky as it sounds you might benefit from it. It’s a mental health issue and it’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s just the same as anxiety or depression, there’s help out there and everyone is here to support you, but you need to help yourself before we can help you.

god damnit,ifi stand up ikeepdoing this stupid ..dance I guess. I keep like moving up and down and I can't stop it.my bones hurt. I am off work for 3 days. this is gonna be hard. Everything in my brain is telling me to go get booze. I'm gonna get better. I'm not gonna drink. I'm gonna get better

Please stay safe Fren. I’m worried

i ate some chinees food. i had to force it down. im sorry for taking attention for myself and not just trying to help frens. I hate being so weak. I'll get through this. god never ever drink like I was drinking. I'll get through this but seriously like my hand will just shoot off the keyboard and be behind my back and start shackin like the rest of me. no frens deserve this. please frens dont drink.

Please go to sleep now fren...

sorry for worryin you fren. ill b e okay. i need to st op drin. ill be ok. pls dont drink evry day. its not my first time.

ionly hada bit of food butim feeling better. im not shaking as much.

ive been throughthis before. last time was ... 2 years ago i think ... maybe i shouldnt share my experience this time and pls tell me if it sounds like im tryig to get attention. i justg thought maybe this time i should let frens no w why you shouldnt drink like this. i\

It’s okay.. you just need to unwind fren, I also had issues befor with the drink.

youre a good fren. im sorry for being an attention whore. im gonna delete the thread now. thank you fren. I am a fucking idiot.

Chinese food just got here, i feel so hungry but I can't eat. I'm shaking really really bad now