I've done everything and they are definitely the most addictive thing. I think they actually remap your brain for addiction, I've known a lot of people who experimented with things or were able to do certain things in moderation but they were never smokers. Every hard drug addict I've ever known was a smoker and had been smoking since teens/twenties.
My brain must be wired wrong because for me the cigs were pretty easy. I was a heavy cocaine addict for a few years and with that came an addiction to booze and xanax also. I gave all of those things up cold turkey (now only have the occasional drink). The thing that had always been my battle to quit is weed, I'm such a junkie for it. I am 2 months clean from vaping and although it only started out as a tolerance break, I am loving the clear headedness and ability to focus, hopefully I can treat weed like a "once in a while" thing only in the future.
Well I'm open minded, so maybe we're all wired differnt. I was a coke addict for about 4 years too, it was hard to kick but I don't even think about it anymore. Weed was really hard to quit for me too. I used to get an 8th once of hash and a half ounce every two weeks. When I quit I couldn't sleep, I was up all night tapping my foot on the floor like bonham playing double bass drums. I kept fallinig back and smoking some every now and then. It's been ... 4 or 5 years now I think since the last time I had any. I do miss it a lot because I do think it helped me be more creative as a musician. But I know what happens if i smoke it. Maybe those "dont legalize" things have a point. When I'm weak I buy smokes and booze because I can.
Also one thing I remember a lot is how getting stoned on saturday morning started as being super fucking awesome to combat a hangover, and my favoright thing was getting in the tub around 11 on saturday morning and letting the water slowly move back and forth so it touched the hairs on the back of my neck and that felt amazing.
As all drug habbits do, it became normal to smoke on saturday morning to get over hang over but eventually by afternoon I'd try to get high again but I couldn't. I'd smoke 5 or 6 bong hits in a row and I wouldn't feel anything but just get a head ache.
Although I never got addicted to opiates I always didn't understand it because pot was like opiates to me I guess.
Man sobriety is so much better but you get so depressed, or just hate life sometimes and say fuck it.
1 PotatoLord8 2019-03-14
God, fren, what are you doing. U don't look good.
1 Ed_G_ShitlordEsquire 2019-03-14
Tribe sticks are haram and will rot your lungs, fren.
1 TheRemoteLostUnder 2019-03-14
1 satanicpriest13 2019-03-14
Based. I have so far convinced 3 of my friends to give up tribe sticks. Interestingly, it's terms like tribe sticks that really drive home the point.
1 Thatguitarduderagain 2019-03-14
based and tribe stick pilled
1 Thatguitarduderagain 2019-03-14
I've done everything and they are definitely the most addictive thing. I think they actually remap your brain for addiction, I've known a lot of people who experimented with things or were able to do certain things in moderation but they were never smokers. Every hard drug addict I've ever known was a smoker and had been smoking since teens/twenties.
1 Ed_G_ShitlordEsquire 2019-03-14
My brain must be wired wrong because for me the cigs were pretty easy. I was a heavy cocaine addict for a few years and with that came an addiction to booze and xanax also. I gave all of those things up cold turkey (now only have the occasional drink). The thing that had always been my battle to quit is weed, I'm such a junkie for it. I am 2 months clean from vaping and although it only started out as a tolerance break, I am loving the clear headedness and ability to focus, hopefully I can treat weed like a "once in a while" thing only in the future.
1 Thatguitarduderagain 2019-03-14
Well I'm open minded, so maybe we're all wired differnt. I was a coke addict for about 4 years too, it was hard to kick but I don't even think about it anymore. Weed was really hard to quit for me too. I used to get an 8th once of hash and a half ounce every two weeks. When I quit I couldn't sleep, I was up all night tapping my foot on the floor like bonham playing double bass drums. I kept fallinig back and smoking some every now and then. It's been ... 4 or 5 years now I think since the last time I had any. I do miss it a lot because I do think it helped me be more creative as a musician. But I know what happens if i smoke it. Maybe those "dont legalize" things have a point. When I'm weak I buy smokes and booze because I can.
1 Thatguitarduderagain 2019-03-14
Also one thing I remember a lot is how getting stoned on saturday morning started as being super fucking awesome to combat a hangover, and my favoright thing was getting in the tub around 11 on saturday morning and letting the water slowly move back and forth so it touched the hairs on the back of my neck and that felt amazing.
As all drug habbits do, it became normal to smoke on saturday morning to get over hang over but eventually by afternoon I'd try to get high again but I couldn't. I'd smoke 5 or 6 bong hits in a row and I wouldn't feel anything but just get a head ache.
Although I never got addicted to opiates I always didn't understand it because pot was like opiates to me I guess.
Man sobriety is so much better but you get so depressed, or just hate life sometimes and say fuck it.
I don't know the anwser
1 TheLeftIsNotLiberal 2019-03-14
go to slep!
1 silkpubes69 2019-03-14
Not going to bop you... yet.
Watch the doggo speak, fren.
1 Ajaxical 2019-03-14
water you mean?
1 silkpubes69 2019-03-14
You I'll bop.
1 BUG-IN-RECOVERY 2019-03-14
I think he just wanted his fren to be rested.
1 Mr_Murder_Whale 2019-03-14
Stop smonkin fren, we love you
1 thehol 2019-03-14
We don wan you to dye
1 TheOneRole 2019-03-14
Bed NOW little fren! You need sleep.
1 USAnmbr1 2019-03-14
Keep tokin that tasty tobaccy fren, riding on thru flavor cuntry
1 RadiantUpstairs 2019-03-14
Flavor country is where I live!!
1 bugposter 2019-03-14
fren, turn off that monitor and go to sleep. you burned out your receptors for the day. the games will be even more fun when you wake up!
1 Invisible_Saxon 2019-03-14
Holy shit fren. Get some sleep and switch to an e-cigs to help kick the habit. It really helped me and I've been smoke free for 5 years.
1 videshee 2019-03-14
go bed, fren, try to rest a little
1 tr4xworthy 2019-03-14
How do friends draw such spectacular images?
1 no_ur_mom_lol 2019-03-14
Go 2 slep fren