I threw away the rest of my clown juice and smigerettes. I'll need your strength frens. But I need to be a better fren to all of you. I'm starting a great adventure

101  2019-03-14 by Thatguitarduderagain


Good luck fren, we are all with you

Of course you are, because you are a fren worthy of frenship. I thank you fren

Quit sniggerettes fren, smiggerettes r ok.

Once you try Clown Blunts, you can never untry them.

You don't 'throw away clownjuice', you re-gift it. Jeez.

And poison a fren? I don't think so.

I'm half Clown, you forget. I have the gene.

Step one complete, excellent work

Save up and go and be happy

what's the name of the original painting?

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, by Caspar David Friedrich

Wanderer above the Sea of Frog

I'm with you fren. Clown juice has ruined too many frens.

You can do it fren!!! We all have your back

Happy pie day, first day of sobriety for me too fren

i wish you the best fren, this is probably attempt 250 for me.

And it’s like 50 for me, we can do this.