Is it even worth it, frens?

432  2019-03-14 by psycho1social


is what worth it, fren?

caring fren. nonfrens and clowns are wearing me down

Does frenworld have full-blown CDS?

CDS? what's that fren?

Clown Derangement Syndrome



Clownfren bad!


Don't let teh non-frens affect you !

it's not worth it.

it’s worth it, yes frendo. if you are true to your rhythm, sometimes defeat in reality is necessary for victory in the transcendent

Wise words fren

Plz fren, you matter so much <3


Yes it absolutely is. We're all gonna make it frens

Yes fren. Don’t be a doomerfren, be a bloomerfren.

best comment fren

I was there yesterday fren, you gotta keep on keeping on. Because you're amazing. We all support you fren.

Even if "it's" not worth it, YOU'RE worth it fren.

"it" being within the framework of life and us being part of "it", "it" all becomes worth it because we are just doing what we're supposed to do. Looking beyond "it" on a larger framework, "it" might become useless but it doesn't matter because it doesn't concern us and it is a logical fallacy to compare "it" to other things on this larger framework fren

you smart fren

If you quit now fren, you won’t live to see us beat the clowns.

It only stops being worth it when you lose the will to fight, Fren.

It’s always worth it fren. At the least, there is victory through struggle. My ancestors are smiling at me nonfrens, can yours say the same?

That's how they do it. They attack us from all sides, they infiltrate every institution and weaponize them against us. But you know what? We're still here and we are the single biggest threat to their entire worldview, thus why they go to such lengths to attack and subvert us. We won't be stopped.

We won’t be bopped

It's hard when even our own frens fight against us

Our power is rising fren I give you some of mine. We can't lose more frens

Take a nap fren and you'll be okay

Unironically it can be

I was miserable for the last couple of years but now that I'm living for myself instead of others and changed my thinking on a couple of things shit's kinda great. Doing a new job that's fun and nearly a perfect fit, with people that I like, so it's not agony to "show up to work" daily. My social needs are met and Im enjoying just spending time at home on my hobbies.

It's been about 8-9 years of depression and now I'm better, even though I was certain it couldn't be done.

Clowns can’t honk you in real life don’t trip. Non trend get bopped. I can help

Life is worth it. Make the most of it

I'm with you fren.