Ever look at yourself in the mirror and just feel disgusted?

41  2019-03-11 by PaleBoy7


This is the time to start working on yourself fren!

But the blackpill got to me fren

Still have to have respect for yourself fren. I have the depression and the anxiety, it's a struggle. That's why we have frens to get us through.

Then better yourself out of fucking spite. Make the clowns rue the day they made you retreat into food for comfort is this dying, degenerate, unfrenly world!

That may be so fren, but it doesn't mean you can't look after yourself. Try running, couch to 5k is a nice steady one you can do.


Fren don't fall in the cycle of Fat fren from Austin Powers. Workout and eat healthy it makes you feel better and look better. The only alternative is to forever feel shitty. you need /SIG/ fren

I don't and you shouldn't either, fren.

All the time, fren.

Only in days ending in y