my time has come, frens, i luv you all

102  2019-03-10 by iadmiredonuts


Don do it fren


Hey man take it easy there.


Not today fren

:] thank u fren

Just glad I made it in time fren. Here's some hot coco ☕ and a tendie 🍗, plz feel better

Some salmon would be better than a tendie, tendies are usually fried in rotten vegetable oil. Frens need at least 3lbs of salmon a week, minimum.

Oh no I got mercury poisoning fren

Well, Fren, this is a question that concerns the very future of the frenostate:

what should we eat?

Mediterranean Adkins Paleo Keto diet

Only free range chicken TENDERS for my frenthnostate überfrensch :)

you are a good fren and i’m glad you’re here with us.

Don’t give in to that clown shit

There is a way fren,

If you must fren, take vengeance, do not concede. fight the fight until your body kills you through old age. The non frens lie to us frens, and tell us things like to "be happy" is a goal. It is mind control fren. Its bad advice fren because the road is not about being happy, its about achievement through service, sacrifice and devotion. the payout on happiness fren, is only as large as the work that goes into it.

Don't let the clows win, It sucks right now, and its not easy. but Good. That means you get to make this plan to turn into an unstoppable fren. You can make it fren

You should've done a flip!


fat BOP right on your honker nose

Don’t do it fren fight for western civ with your frens(:

You can feel a lot better if you help others fren. Take u sadness and make it power for you to understand other fren and help in small ways. It does not have to be big fren.

It help me when i feel like you fren.

Find small happy and try to give others it too. Being bad and good make human whole, but dont do big bad, even to frens self.

Other frens will love you too

plz stop fren. talk to me about it and we can find a way through this together

Just wait ,GoT s8 its coming.

A bit late, but don't u do it fren!