Look what I can do frens!

453  2019-03-10 by SqueakSide


very nice. you even kept your hat on your head, also impressive.

wait a minute, I believe this image was rotated!

pretty gud trick

But thanos is the only one powerful enough to do that. Do you have all six infinity stones?

Fucking epic ironic post fren

It's a cool party trick tho

Clearly he does and he's trying to get them out.


very cool fren, but perhaps keep this talent to yourself

no fren, America's got talent here I come

Degen fren very degen

You're going places

Not good places, but places

No matter where I go, there I am.

Not sure what I am looking at, fren, but keep up the good work.

Don't do it man

Think about your spine

your spine is designed to connect your head to your butt, think about it

Does it taste nice fren

If u put jelly on it it does

Cool talent Fren, want to bring it to the White House?

Q predicted this


Nice tung fren

Fren I do not understand these young-frens and their desire to taste bootyholes but I am proud of you regardless keep up the good work

because porn propaganda fren

Clown propaganda warps the minds of young frens.

Your fren-entists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.

Fren needs some attentions paid to his butts holes.

Hee hee, Pepe butt

No pepe


hows it taste fren?

Why is a 9v battery like a girls asshole? You keep sticking your tongue there even though you know better.
