My great grandpa was a 32nd degree Frenmason. Should I join to get more frens and secret knowledge?

29  2019-03-09 by SqueakSide


That’s the secret, there is no knowledge, only allegiance to Lucifer - the biggest nonfren of them all

lucifer is great

Don't be deceived. Vengeance is the Lord's.

If you want to fren. I know a few apron frens. Dey cool. You just have to believe in a higher fren is only real rule. Dey don't necessarily follow Lucifer which only mean light bringer fren. Most are Christ frens tho.

freemasons is a clown factory imo fren. they take our local frens, most often our best and brightest then they set to work putting wigs and clown makeup on them.. it's sad but avoidable. also, i believe they run local mafias wit the police and business men. they offer you benefits to grow your career and business in exchange you have to juggle and dance in their masonic circus tent. imo.

i just know when i walk down the street near the local lodge i can hear them honking inside.. BUT I'VE BEEN WRONG BEFORE.

They are a secretive bunch..? Knowledge is power. They know something they don't tell frens that's for sure fren.

I hear you have to be into buttfuckin' and suckin' off dudes to be a 32nd degree mason

Maybe at the San Francisco lodge.

No. That knowledge is too accelerated and spooky to be good. Learn from the Euclidean basics so you can still have frens.

Being a mason used to mean something, now it's just old white men jerking eachother off with their "degrees". So much so, they're desperately trying to recruit more people because no one else wants to waste their fuckin time

Part of it is that they have huge, huge trusts with millions of dollars to do relief for masons, and they don't have anywhere near the subscription they used to---this money can only go to masons because it has been encumbered by trusts, Freemasonry dates from before the welfare state.

It still means something, what one puts into anything is what one gets out of it. If you think it is a waste of time, that is fine, but it's certainly no more of a waste of time than videogames or internet chatting---taking 2 evenings a month to do something other than waste time on the internet cannot be a bad thing.

It's about common experience, like any D&D group. The difference is that masons have been playing the same D&D game for hundreds of years.

If you want to figure out if it's for you, and you have the cash to spare (which isn't that much, really) just try it. If it's not for you, it's not like they kill you if you stop showing up.

More frens = better. Masons learn to be good frens. A good fren won't rat on you unless it's murder or treason.