Do any other frens like tari?

17  2019-03-09 by Thatguitarduderagain


I played phoenix and vangaurd and space cavern today. Any frens have recommendations for other good games?> I like games that pew pew shoot like space invaders and communist mutants from space

Love Atari. Played it a bunch as a youngfren.

I just like the simplicity of it. Theres very simple rules. I just want a new game that will blow my mind on how fun it is. Like I will never forget the first time i played survival run, and was just blown away by how the rules are simple but it looks like an early 90s PC game.

Also space cavern is my jam and I played it for about 3 hours earlier, I got the point where the difficulty was at the highest and I couldnt blink and kept increasing the score, then my 2600 jr glitched :(