Homeless man once said “A fren is 1 soul living in 2 bodies”. That just is spooky. No more listening to homeless frens

167  2019-03-08 by shacklefordcommarus


the original schizo poster :’)

It was Aristotle, Fren, not Diogenes. That is diogenes in the barrel.

Uh oh, I am thinking of wrong Diogenes fren. The quote is from Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laërtius

Oh, I thought it was Aristotle!

He attributes it to Aristotle, you are right

Diogenes lived in a barrel and would pleasure himself in public! He'd light a lamp during the day and if people asked what he was doing, he would say 'I am looking for a wise man!'

Why would he light a lamp in daylight fren?

Cause wise men were so rare that he had to light a lamp in the day to look for one. Basically sayingb”you’re all morons”.

Oh, I was hoping there was deeper meaning to it.

Might be, I'm a brainlet

To look for a wise man, fren.

I always thought it was plato! i learned something today. But I still love the picture :)

2 spooky 4 me

if we're all frens, does that mean if i sell my soul u all go down wit me?

Yes. Don’t do it.

careful fren! skeletons live in dreams. spooky scary skeletons.

A skeleton fren lives in me, does that mean I'm a dream? Help frens if I quit dreaming do I cease existing? Or am I the dream of a skeleton?

Is this the soulmates thing?

He attributes it to Aristotle, you are right

if we're all frens, does that mean if i sell my soul u all go down wit me?

careful fren! skeletons live in dreams. spooky scary skeletons.

Cause wise men were so rare that he had to light a lamp in the day to look for one. Basically sayingb”you’re all morons”.

To look for a wise man, fren.