So many fren posts are sad frens begging for us to help them. why> ? because we need to step up and be better

566  2019-03-08 by Thatguitarduderagain


Why do mods treat frens like shit. I love all frens. pls let me help you

Mods have taken the clown pill

You're the best kind of fren. We need each other in these times.

Glad to see you back fren :)

Glad to be back fren!

just seing you back make me feel all frenly in the middle, like a smore on a campfire.

Fuck yeah! They can never take our Frenship!

You never fail to make me smile

It's a good day to be a Fren and it's a GREAT day to be in Frenworld!

did you ever hear the joke about the clown who taught his son how to masturbate?

Afterward he said "honkhonk!good job son. next time I'll let you use your own nose" :| fucking clowns.


For real, you crack me up man. Here's to 1000 years of Frenliness.

Fuck yeah! They can never take our Frenship!

We believe in the best a fren can be.

Fren I have worked 70+hour weeks since before Christmas.

Glad you are here for me fren

Damn fren that sounds rough. We are in this together

Thank u fren

If you ever need a fren to talk to. I’m here

you have nothing to lose but your chains, join a union

I'm in the postal union fren, but they don't hardly protect my position (city carrier assistant) as we are basically the compromise so that regular carriers could have protection.

Yesterday was my first day office 3 weeks since we work sundays as well. I asked the union what I could do about it and they said the nonfren management can work me 365 days a year up to 12 hours each day based on the contract

How do you like that job? I've been thinking about applying and doing it for a while until I go back to school.

Other than having no life I love it! And I l like the money rolling in from all the overtime

The only reason I'm sticking it out is because I've lost weight and gained muscle, get to be outside daily and get plenty of exercise, and I just love being in nature and getting to do my own thing without bosses breathing down my neck (except when I'm in the office)

You make me miss working on my feet fren. God bless you.

You are a hard working fren. Thank you fren.

The responsibility is also on the fren to develop a bit of frentonomy so that when big sad comes fren can defend himself even if other frens aren't there.

some friens have mental disorders like autism and /r9k/ disease

I agree, we need to teach frens to fish, not just give them fish.

amen fren. Frens unite.

non frens we should bop frens we should hug

Hey frens can I get an F in the chat F is for fren

When a fren becomes better, the country becomes better. This is the idealogy of my local political party which I am part of. Frens, forget big sad, go lift, work and become better. Ein frens, ein frenland, ein frenhrer.

you frenly!

Honk honk

We can do this together, frens. Fren power!

Thank you fren! you are very frenly

I'm so proud of this community.

its an old meme, but its good! thank you fren.

Frens need to be frenlier in frenworld. I blame the honkers.

If we support each other we will put the honkers back in their silly circus tents!

How do you like that job? I've been thinking about applying and doing it for a while until I go back to school.

It's a good day to be a Fren and it's a GREAT day to be in Frenworld!