Frens, I want to eat the burger, but it's too big.

81  2019-03-07 by Tiroulsa


Cut it up into smaller pieces, fren

I'm worried about the mess fren.

Just take it one bite at a time fren. Just dont get tummy hurt

Get Mom.

use your trusty pocket knife

be careful tho dont cut urself fren

Get lots of napkins, maybe cut it in half and take the rest home with you!

You're edging Clownstyle with that propellerbeanie. Feels good, right?

Helicopter rides for clowns!

Clowns born Clowns, are born with parachutes. It's genetic. Clowns like myself who were called to Clowning later in life must have one surgically implanted. When does the chopper take off, Capt?



I only got the parachute when I got a frenincism

A friendly guy sold it to me for 5 nuggie tickets, should I get rid of it?

Not if it feels good.

Shhh mean clown, we don't want to let the frenyum know about the beanie.

use your trusty pocket knife to cut it into smaller pieces like our fren /u/ScuffedRomanReigns said

be careful tho dont cut urself fren

Fren, I have invented a burger shrinker deluxe! I also have a burger duplicator. We cans shrink it and make it very good and make more if you need them fren!

Thank you fren, I can finally enjoy my burger. Burgers for all frens.

Psssshh, keep a secret fren. It's also fun to make tendies small and pretend you're a dinosaur eating all those tiny tendies. Rawr.

Its lent time fren. Maybe you should skip burgers all together

I'm worried about the mess fren.

Thank you fren, I can finally enjoy my burger. Burgers for all frens.