We need to get rid of the Honkers as soon as possible!

0  2019-03-07 by Based-And-Redpilled

They're ruining frenly places with their toxic politics and get frens banned all over the internet. They're a danger for every fren in the world!

I ran once a server filled with frenly frens, one of them was u/cubev10, who knows I'm not a non-fren but a fren who always tried to help people and keep places alive. He was on the server from beginning to end.

Anyways, one day, the honk honk meme went through our server and everyone loved it, including me. But this brought honkers to our server and at this point I realized slowly what "Honk Honk" really means = "H H", better said "Hail Hitler". The meme was run for and by real bad people that no company wants in their website, so they shut down all places with unfrenly people, my discord got banned 2 days after we got infested by honkers :(

We need to stop them from taking over this place! We need strong anti-honker (or atleast anti politics idk) rules to keep them out of here. Honkers are ticking time bombs and once they found a nice place to stay, they explode and destroy that place. It happened to both my discords and my subreddit, please don't fall for their trickeries and let them ruin this subreddit, followed by the ban of r/frenworld.

Stay Unhonked, frens, it might can cost our fren world to be destroyed.


u/cubev10 even though you are a weeb, i still think you're a fren. Be careful as a mod in r/stonetoss, if it gets banned in a few days/weeks, your account shouldn't be associated with the place or you might get banned yourself, i think.

Make Frenworld Frenly Again!

bro. you are a retard. a complete and utter retard. you fail to understand the subtext to stone toss comics and now you are here again failing to understand the jokes. You are the definition of nonfren.

Reddit doesn't see them as jokes. Neither does any company because literally no way to know what is a joke and what isn't.

Do you seriously NO ONE who uses the honk meme is a white supremacist or a fascist?

Reddit doesn't see them as jokes. Neither does any company because literally no way to know what is a joke and what isn't.

Reddit and almost every other company is enemy territory and should be treated as such. If your presence there is vital (like a job) hold back on the jokes and hate speech. If not (like a reddit account which can be recreated in under a minute), then have fun.

Do you seriously believe NO ONE who uses the honk meme is a white supremacist or a fascist?

I believe all clown posters are nonfrens who u/ufoguy33 needs to deal with as our frensident. They are subverting our fair frenostate and degenerating our shitposters.

If we treat it as enemy territory we get banned, retard

If we treat it as enemy territory we get banned, retard

So just cuck then? Sure, you don't get to have fun but at least you can have a space on a shitty website!

But you don't care about getting banned, as long as you have your epic may mays.

I have lost count of the number of reddit accounts I have had. Of course I don't care. This is the internet. So frenworld gets banned, then it reforms a week later. Big fucking deal.

I believe you want r/frenworld to be banned as well as r/stonetoss and this makes YOU the enemy.

Not to mention that you call everyone who believes the holocaust existed a soyboy cuck.

I believe you want r/frenworld to be banned as well as r/stonetoss and this makes YOU the enemy.

The cuck ree's in shame as he projects onto you.

Not to mention that you call everyone who believes the holocaust existed a soyboy cuck.

No. I didn't. But let me do it now: everyone who believes the holocaust happened is a soyboy cuck.

Based and redpilled? More like pozzed and ass-filled. You are no fren

Yes i am

Clowfrens here are alright, even if not very frenly.

They'll get this place banned sooner or later