Why do I lack motivation for everything? I’m only happy by myself but when I’m left alone with my thoughts I feel like shit. I just want to start a new life frens

32  2019-03-06 by PaleBoy7


Fren, what truly makes you happy? Do you have a passion? If not, what are you doing to find that passion?

Are you taking steps to improve your life? Even though those things may not bring you happiness now they may bring it later.

Gotta grind to achieve everything, including happiness. Good luck fren.

Small steps friend, be proud of little things like showering and making your bed everyday. Then, you can work on improving yourself.

Acknowledge the things making you unhappy then you can work on changing those

Same here fren :(

same boat fren, maybe we casn move to the frontier and start over

Try jerking your peepee less often

Read smarter faster better by charles duhigg. it might help. I'd need to know more about you to help better fren. You can get better, and I'm happy to help if I can. If you ever feel a need for frenship feel free to message me, if I'm home I'll try my best to help.

Lift weights little fren.