Hello frens, we are a worl in crisis to protect the fren race I have declared myself frenFührer and I’m destroying the clown controlled frenstag we must protect fren our fren kin and purify frenworld seig heil!

279  2019-03-05 by ufoguy33


No overlords in frenworld. I rebuke thee in the name of all frens. Sounds like clown talk to me bucko.

exactly fren, this is an obvious illegal power grab. POWER TO THE FREN SOVIET


Why does this get pinned but when I shovel clowns into a fiery oven it get's removed.

You must be certified by the state.

Hmm. I would have liked to have seen that

I'll reupload it tomorrow but instead of clowns i'll be roasting mods

In the current climate....isn't that a good way to get bopped?

You mean like this post...

We need to get this guy removed as fresident, it's clear he's trying to get us bopped. BTw: I'm back :D

Welcome back fren!

you are the frenliest fren in fren town. if we ever get free elections again I would support you for frensident.

Thanks fren! I would never seek such an office as you know, I just want want to support all my fellow frens and help to grow and support this wonderful unique place.

Thats why I believe you deserve to be a frensident. You don't seek power or authority, you just wish to support frens to be frenly. on a personal note you have gone above and beyond being helpful and frenly to me. You are a man who should be admired and you post very often in a frenly way. I would give my last sip and my last drink of bepsi to you. you inspire frens to come together in the interest of frens.

The clown menace must be dealt with.

This is the conversation I'm interested in.

I see what you did there fren

Because there's two rules for frens. the inner circle of frens have no rules. the rest of us have to eat shit and say it's steak. This is not frenly.

Clown talk

We will shut their honking mouths once and for all

/u/ufoguy33 is not my frensident.

u/silkpubes69 is a non-fren and needs to be bopped. May the Frenfürher eradicate the clown frens forever. Long live the frenostate and LONG LIVE FRENWORLD


He's gonna get us quarantined

No more normies, good

But also no growth and less new frens.

Quarantine brings stagnation and death. I don't want to see our Frens fall away from creative atrophy.

Active reporting and swift bopping from mods shouid take care of the non frens.




He’s my presfren tho.

Well, I enjoyed this sub while it lasted

It just got started!

Bout to be bopped

It got too big for it's own good. Clowns thinking they're frens, clowns dressing up as frens and fed posting. It was bound to happen unfortunately

Lmao we are going to get quarantined frens!

if it makes any frens feel better about the almost certainly impending quarantine, it usually happens anyway after the level of traffic and non-PC jokes gets high enough.



Heil FrenFührer!

Honk Honkler!

Can't trust a fren with hair, he's probly a clown fren in disguiose!

why cant i just enjoy the funny 4chan characters without the racism coming along with it :(

Why can't you just enjoy the racism?

nonfren detected

Looking to bring frenkrieg to the Union of Clown Cosmopolitan Republics!!

go away AHS

This is why we're getting Quarantined lol


Put all honkers in the concentration camp

Shave that mustache fren!

This nonfren thinks he speaks for the Frens? Ha! He does not care for us. He would rather see everyone destroyed than face his own failures. He is deluded by his time in the war. Clowns are not Frens, but who among you can sleep soundly knowing that you chose genocide before any civil effort was made? I would rather die than be consumed by evil. Frens! I know living hearts still beat within your chests! The silent majority must be silent no longer! Rise, frens! Rise against tyranny! I say, give me liberty or give me death!

You sound like a good fren


Really lazy op you got going here. Can you at least put in some effort when for when you're making shit up to get subs banned? smh so obvious

We need to get rid of thsi guy

Sieg Heil fren! o/
Also RIP this sub