henlo frens, i heard that you wanted to get rid of a certain folk

176  2019-03-05 by engepeter


Amen to frens. Down with clowns. There many types of clowns fren. We jus don't like em in our frenworld.

I'd turn around. There's an Arab behind you.

Clown posting is rampant now

Are you Austrian?


Hi Ottoman fren

Cool fez fren. Makes you look like Frenolini.

Hmm that Fez makes me a tad suspicious fren... what "people" are you really talking about?

The kind you don’t want in this sub

Hallo Freun, but I've already got this covered. Your help is not needed at the moment.


Fuck you nonfren, i will BOP the shit out of you

Should have reported him so I could have bopped him yesterday.

Fortunately he attracted my attention by DMing us about some gay larp anarchy thing he's involved with.

He's now permanently bopped.

Damn fren u sure are a hardcore bopper. Respec+

Edit: isn’t that kinda too harsh on the dude? Except if he really was a non-fren

I investigate and bop.

I've only ever bopped one person in error, and immediately unbopped them when I realized it.

DOWN WITH THE CLOWN join your local FF division today!

Fuck you nonfren, i will BOP the shit out of you