Please take a moment to remember: The successful Clown Force mission to colonize Mars, a GIANT HONK for Clownkind. Then the great envy that set off what Frens know today as the Very Sad War. Never forget the great Honker sacrifices and the petty sabotage of jealous Frens. Clowns rule, Frens drool!

20  2019-03-03 by dumdumexpress


How dare you. Honk on home, boy, before somebody gets bopped.

If we can get to Mars, surely we have the technology to countervail your legendary boppings, fren!

Everybody knows the Clown Mars landing was a hoax. You used your influence in the film industry to produce a very impressive film and fool only the most simple minds. This all in an attempt to create a space race to bankrupt Frenworld.

Enjoy your freedom while you can tent cricket, there's room in the railcars for all of you.


Scuse me nonfren but we spell jus find. Go fine some oether sub to silly you evil cowerd. >:(

Too much. Dial it back, soldier!


Perfect! Now go infiltrate and get us the microfilms!

All non-frens will be sent to r/honkler to serve out their prison term.

Bout to bop you to smithereens Clown. You ain't welcome round here pardner.

Why so sore, fren? We just went for a Space Ride.

U get helebopter ride

I didn't order no helebopter, fren. Are you Nigerian? Seems scammy.

scary clown go away, scary clown go away, go away, go away, go away!

Why are Frens so afeared of progress?

Everybody knows the Clown Mars landing was a hoax. You used your influence in the film industry to produce a very impressive film and fool only the most simple minds. This all in an attempt to create a space race to bankrupt Frenworld.

Enjoy your freedom while you can tent cricket, there's room in the railcars for all of you.


Too much. Dial it back, soldier!