Frens im sorry but some just have to go!

560  2019-03-03 by creajoko


It’s ok fren. I understand

Don't be sorry fren. Clownfrens are nonfren infiltrators, leave no clown unboped.

But clowns bring joy and cheer! And cotton candy :(

Clowns bring disease and pestilence. They are here to destroy fren culture.

frened and bop pilled

The HONKERS won the war in the end

For now.

Bop em all fren

War... war never changes.

What's the context behind this picture frens?

Did you want the context behind the original picture fren?

Yes fren

also waiting, fren

Well that wasn't very frenly of him

Commies are non-frens

Here is the original fre.

The man doing the shooting was general Nguyen Ngoc Loan. The man on the right had just been captured after slitting the throats of a Vietnamese Lt Col along with his wife and six children.

The man who took the photo regretted it and hated the fact he won the pulitzer prize for it. He believed he had taken far more worthy pictures, and that the execution photo was viewed out of context by most people.

Here is an article about it.

The executed deserved worse than he got.

What the fuck is wrong with you people

⬆️ Bop ⬆️

Thank you for your service, fren.

Nonfrens mus be bopped out ub existnce.

That's not very frenly!

non-frens out



bop all clowns fren

You did good fren. Don't listen to those soft liberals.