Been waiting on all day to pardy when we get 13k frens. when it gonna happen?

30  2019-03-03 by Thatguitarduderagain


I'm here fren. More frens are coming everyday fren.

I am trying to make new frens with more qt’s, we are almost there

you have much frenship and I would also like to congradulate you on your recent 10K karma and journey around frenworld.

Thank you fren, it is very much apreeeeeciated

with patience comes greatness, fren

thanks fren

fren i just joined this fine subreditt . good to know i am not alone.

We got good frenship fren! I got tendies with ranch, honey mussie and bbq. plus sips and bepsi and dewey all waiting for party when we get to 13K

Fren mommy wants me to be in bed by 11 so we need hurry to 13k.

fuck it. im calling it now. new post incomming.

We need 40 more frens

We're almost there, fren

4 more frens to 13k fren!

Fren mommy wants me to be in bed by 11 so we need hurry to 13k.

We need 40 more frens