Why did the clowns do this to our best Fren who was spreading love.

54  2019-03-02 by Aqiylran


Why you nailed to a stick, fren?

For your sins fren

Oh shit. Didn't mean to get him nailed. Sorry.

Because fren, he was a pussy ass lying bitch.

Enjoy burning for all eternity, nonfren

Enjoy your life of being brainwashed into believing fairy tales and stories of fiction

Your society will crumble and sleep deeper and deeper into immorality due to your denial of Christendom

Lmao okay Sarumon

Where do you live apistos?

Didn’t crucify him until he drove the money changers out of the temple. Big facts frens.

Wasn't he a clown fren as well?

He was the best fren ever. Knew they were the clownagogue of clowns and were not our frens.